News ID: 385187
Publish Date: 15 February 2017 - 11:04

a real story about martyr borunsi

He had come back for a furlough after the operation. There was a scar of a projectile on his arm that was getting better. It was a wonder if he had been wounded in the operation, his scar couldn’t have been healed than it is now.
a real story about martyr borunsi
He had come back for a furlough after the operation. There was a scar of a projectile on his arm that was getting better. It was a wonder if he had been wounded in the operation, his scar couldn’t have been healed than it is now. So I asked him about that curiously. 

"I was stricken before the operation.” He answered. "I was hospitalized in Yazd. The radiograph showed a projectile stuck in the bone. Yet I wasn’t worried about my pain. The military operation was going to start and the doctor had prescribed to operate me in the hospital. I didn't have enough time to convey myself to the front. I determinedly asked the doctor to dismiss me but he rejected and ordered the nurses to make me ready for the operation. Hence I had to forget to go to the front. I was feeling like a bird in the cage. I was extremely upset and heartbroken. I began to pray and invoked to Ahl-ul-bait (the infallible descendant of the Holy Prophet).

I went to sleep while I was crying. I don’t know whether I was asleep or awake. I saw the celestial figure of Abu al-Fadhl, Al-Abbas, the son of Imam Ali, in my dream that had come to visit me. He reached out his hand to my arm and I felt that he pulled something out of it. Then he ordered me to stand up. I told that my hand was wounded and the operation has been prescribed for my problem.  "No, you are cured.” He said.

After he went away I woke up suddenly touching my arm. I felt no pain! I became sure that I had recovered. I immediately jumped down from the bed. I went to take my cloths gladly. They refused to give them back to me and told that I had to be operated. "I have to go to the military zone on my own responsibility. The operation isn’t necessary.” I replied. But the doctor persisted to suspend me. I had no alternative but to tell him the truth. He didn’t believe me and said that he wouldn’t let me go unless he takes another radiograph of my arm. I accepted in case of keeping the story secret between us. He agreed and sent me to the radiographer.  The result was what I had expected. There was no projectile in my arm…”

(It was a memento of martyr Abdulhossein Borunsi, the commander of 18 Javad ul-Aemmah brigade adopted from the book ‘The Soft Soils of Kushk’.) 

Adopted and Translated By: Mohammad Hossein Rahmanian

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